Welcome to Camp Potomac Woods
Plant Life
A Day of Camp
Photo Tour
Staff Time-off

Potomac River and the Pooh Tree

Camp Potomac Woods has it's name for two reasons: 1) it borders the Potomac River. 2) it's easy to say (always a good thing when dealing with young kids). And so, naturally, the river from which camp gets it's name is a great place to hike to. There are three trails at camp that lead to the Potomac - Priscilla's Trail, Peace Creek Trail, and the River Trail, which actually follows the river and connects the other two trails. However, the biggest reason (and I do mean big - over 80 ft. tall) to visit the river is the Pooh Tree. The Pooh Tree is an American Sycamore, and is probably older than the camp. The coolest thing about sycamores is that when they get old, they hollow out. And the Pooh Tree is very hollow - hollow enough to climb in! Consequently, it's one of the main attractions for the campers - and the counselors.

river from pooh tree
Potomac River, as seen from the Pooh Tree
potomac island
Potomac Island
pooh tree
The Pooh Tree
potomac from river trail
Potomac River from River Trail
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